underground coal gasification process

Changes in properties of tar obtained during underground coal ...

Changes in properties of tar obtained during underground coal ...

The process of underground coal gasification (UCG) is considered to be one of the forms of clean coal technologies for obtaining gaseous fuel and synthesis gas from hard coal (Burton et al. 2006; Bhutto et al. 2013; Cough 2009).In the situation of increasingly smaller coal resources available for economically justified mining and the unfavorable impact of coal combustion on the environment ...

A Review of Research on Advanced Control Methods for Underground Coal ...

A Review of Research on Advanced Control Methods for Underground Coal ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a clean coal mining technology without significant environmental impacts. This technology can also be used in deep, hardtoreach seams or deposits affected by tectonic disturbances, where conventional mining is impossible. Several techniques and methods have been investigated worldwide to support the process control of UCG. Global research focuses on the ...

Underground coal gasification: From fundamentals to applications

Underground coal gasification: From fundamentals to applications

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a promising option for the future use of unworked coal. UCG permits coal to be gasified in situ within the coal seam, via a matrix of coal is ignited and air is injected underground to sustain a fire, which is essentially used to "mine" the coal and produce a combustible synthetic gas which can be used for industrial heating, power ...

Underground coal gasification: From fundamentals to applications

Underground coal gasification: From fundamentals to applications

The process of underground coal gasification is accompanied by heating of the roof and floor rocks of the coal bed and subsurface waters. It is known that an increase of temperature of subsurface waters leads to a change in the chemical and physical properties of water: a) the solvent power of water increases; b) the density of water decreases ...

Study on the monitoring method of cavity growth in underground coal ...

Study on the monitoring method of cavity growth in underground coal ...

The growth state of the combustion cavity during underground coal gasification (UCG) affects the gasification process's efficiency, stability, and accurate monitoring and control. In this study, a simulation experiment of UCG was performed, and a horizontal coaxial gasification channel was drilled based on the constructed artificial coal seam.

Experimental Studies of the Effect of Design and Technological ... MDPI

Experimental Studies of the Effect of Design and Technological ... MDPI

This paper represents the results of experimental studies of physical modeling of the underground coal gasification process in terms of implementation of design and technological solutions aimed at intensification of a gasification process of thin coal seams. A series of experimental studies were performed in terms of a stand unit with the provided criteria of similarity to field conditions as ...

Coal Gasification UPSC Notes History, Process, Underground Coal ...

Coal Gasification UPSC Notes History, Process, Underground Coal ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is just an industrialised gasification process that takes place in coal seams that haven't been mined. It entails injecting a gaseous oxidising agent, often oxygen or air, and transporting the resultant product gas to the surface via production gas wells drilled from the surface.

Comparative technoeconomic performance analysis of underground coal ...

Comparative technoeconomic performance analysis of underground coal ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG) hydrogen production (UCGH 2) can convert deep coal resources difficult to mine into hydrogen, its economic performance needs to be investigated so the application prospect can be paper take hydrogen production with capacity of billion Nm 3 /a as objective, based on simulation results, comparative technoeconomic analysis was conducted ...

Modeling Methodology for Site Selection Evaluation of Underground Coal ...

Modeling Methodology for Site Selection Evaluation of Underground Coal ...

In the underground coal gasification (UCG) process, a feasible method for the redn. of CO2 emissions is to capture the CO2 present in syngas and reinject it as one of the gasification agents, which is called CO2 recycling. In this process, CO2 partially replaces steam as a gasification agent, which is of particular importance in areas lacking ...

Sequentially coupled flowgeomechanical modeling of underground coal ...

Sequentially coupled flowgeomechanical modeling of underground coal ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG) has been identified as an environmentally friendly technique for gasification of deep unmineable coal seams in situ. This technology has the potential to be a clean and promising energy provider from coal seams with minimal greenhouse gas emission. The UCG eliminates the presence of coal miners underground hence, it is believed to be a much safer technique ...

Underground coal gasification and its strategic significance to the ...

Underground coal gasification and its strategic significance to the ...

1. Technical connotation of underground coal gasification Concept Underground coal gasification (UCG) refers to the process of producing CH4, H2 and other combustible gases through controlled combustion of coal in situ in the strata with appro priate engineering technology[16].

Underground Coal Gasification Global Syngas Technologies Council

Underground Coal Gasification Global Syngas Technologies Council

With underground coal gasification (UCG), the actual process takes place underground, generally below 1,200 feet. The underground setting provides both the feedstock source as well as pressures comparable to that in an aboveground gasifier. With most UCG facilities, two wells are drilled on either side of an underground coal seam.

Processes | Free FullText | ThermoMechanical Numerical ... MDPI

Processes | Free FullText | ThermoMechanical Numerical ... MDPI

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is an alternative way to convert underground coal reserves into a synthesis gas (syngas), such as methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide, in situ, where it is infeasible or uneconomical for traditional mining methods [1,2,3,4].UCG has the potential to be a more environmentally friendly and costeffective way to extract energy from coal, as it can reduce the ...

Experimental Investigation on the Pore Structure Evolution of Coal in ...

Experimental Investigation on the Pore Structure Evolution of Coal in ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG) has been shown to be a promising method for deep coal resources. A series of complicated chemical reactions can induce a considerable change in the pore structure of coal and thus promote the UCG process in turn. Currently, most studies on the effect of elevated temperature on the pore structure of coal were not involved in an air atmosphere, bringing a ...

Prediction and parametric analysis of cavity growth for the underground ...

Prediction and parametric analysis of cavity growth for the underground ...

The Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) process is a complex and multiphysics phenomenon, thus making it difficult to develop a mathematical model that encapsulates all dynamical aspects. In this regard, datadriven modeling techniques offer a reliable alternative for prediction, control, and optimization of dynamical systems, but their ...

A new model for evaluation of cavity shape and volume during ...

A new model for evaluation of cavity shape and volume during ...

Coal is an important source for power generation, currently supplying 41% of the global electricity demand. Also significant quantities of coal are employed in metallurgical processes, gasification, and cement industries as well as raw materials for activated carbon and some other industrial purposes [1].The limitation of the conventional coal mining methods for extracting seams located at ...

Effects of Pressurized Pyrolysis on the Chemical and Porous Structure ...

Effects of Pressurized Pyrolysis on the Chemical and Porous Structure ...

During deep underground coal gasification, the semicoke produced by the pyrolysis of dense coal cores is an important material for its gasification and combustion. In this paper, pressurized pyrolysis experiments were carried out on dense coal cores at 700 °C and pressures of 1, 2, and 3 MPa using a shaft furnace. The resulting semicoke and raw coal were analyzed using the characterization ...

Monitoring of coal fracturing in underground coal gasification by ...

Monitoring of coal fracturing in underground coal gasification by ...

The underground link,, the gasification channel between the two wells, needs to be established in the target coal seam because the underground primitive conditions, surrounding rock characteristics, and coal properties cannot readily provide a porous gasification channel for the gas flow and ensure the continuation of the gasification process.

A new model for evaluation of cavity shape and volume during ...

A new model for evaluation of cavity shape and volume during ...

The growth state of the combustion cavity during underground coal gasification (UCG) affects the gasification process's efficiency, stability, and accurate monitoring and control. In this study, a simulation experiment of UCG was performed, and a horizontal coaxial gasification channel was drilled based on the constructed artificial coal seam.

Visualization of Movement and Expansion of Coal Reaction Zone by ... MDPI

Visualization of Movement and Expansion of Coal Reaction Zone by ... MDPI

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is the process of directly recovering energy as combustible gases such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide by combusting unmined coal resources in situ. The UCG process is an invisible phenomenon, in which fracturing activity at high temperature (>1000 °C) in coal seams expands the gasification zone and increases the combustible components of the product gas.

An exsitu underground coal gasification experiment with a siderite ...

An exsitu underground coal gasification experiment with a siderite ...

Underground coal gasification (Bhutto et al. 2013; Cena and Thorness 1981; Perkins 2018) consists of the reaction of the oxidizing reagent (mainly oxygen) and water with the raw coal located underground, which results in the production of process gas and byproducts such as postprocess water and tar main idea of the process is to obtain as much process gas as possible with ...

Study on Effects of Thermal Resistance and Thermal Buoyancy on Oxygen ...

Study on Effects of Thermal Resistance and Thermal Buoyancy on Oxygen ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG), as an in situ chemical conversion and mining technology, can not only be used for the exploitation and utilization of deep and unminable coal seams but can also recover coal resources from abandoned mines. ... A process model for underground coal gasification PartIII: Parametric studies and UCG process ...

Mathematical Modeling of the Underground Coal Gasification Process in ...

Mathematical Modeling of the Underground Coal Gasification Process in ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG) has its own reaction characteristics with the growth of the combustion cavity because the coal seam is fixed while the gasification face moves. The theoretical understanding of UCG requires continuous and deep research. In order to explain the UCG mechanism by means of simulation calculation, based on the analysis of the reaction process of UCG, radial and ...

Underground coal gasification Wikipedia

Underground coal gasification Wikipedia

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is an industrial process which converts coal into product gas. UCG is an insitu gasification process, carried out in nonmined coal seams using injection of oxidants and steam. The product gas is brought to the surface through production wells drilled from the surface. The predominant product gases are methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

Underground Coal Gasification. the Final Frontier Jstor

Underground Coal Gasification. the Final Frontier Jstor

Underground Coal Gasification ("UCG") is a longstanding, proven process for converting coal to a synthetic gas ("syngas") with a wide range of potential end uses. Its commercial development has been restricted due to the need to match resource and end use opportunities in a supportive environment, although it is

Minimising CO2 Emissions from Coal Gasification | IntechOpen

Minimising CO2 Emissions from Coal Gasification | IntechOpen

Traditional coaltoliquid processes use gasification with excess steam to obtain hydrogenrich syngas for downstream manufacturing of methanol or FischerTropsch liquids. Such processes are shown to produce very large amounts of CO2 directly by the WaterGasShift (WGS) reaction or, indirectly, by combustion in raising steam. It is shown how any coal gasifier can operate under autothermal ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG): An analysis of gas diffusion and ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG): An analysis of gas diffusion and ...

Underground coal gasification processes, in comparison to the conventional coal into energy conversion methods, are attractive in many aspects. The notable benefits in the UCG process include the low environmental burden, the lack of solid and gaseous emissions to the environment and low investment costs. ... Underground coal gasification is a ...

Underground coal gasification Wärtsilä

Underground coal gasification Wärtsilä

A process to convert coal to gas which occurs underground. Coal, and volatiles embedded in the coal (mostly methane) are partially combusted in the presence of steam, oxygen and / or air, to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide. ... Underground coal gasification. energy. A process to convert coal to gas which occurs underground. Coal, and ...

CFD Simulations of Allothermal Steam Gasification Process for Hydrogen ...

CFD Simulations of Allothermal Steam Gasification Process for Hydrogen ...

The article presents an experimental laboratory setup used for the empirical determination of the gasification of coal samples in the form of solid rock, cut out in the form of a cylinder. An experimental laboratory set enabled a series of experiments carried out at 700 °C with steam as the gasification agent. The samples were prepared from the coal seam, the use of which can be planned in ...

Graphical Analysis of Gasification Processes | IntechOpen

Graphical Analysis of Gasification Processes | IntechOpen

8. Application to underground coal gasification (UCG) UCG, a clean coal technology, is widely understood as a disruptive mining method that is efficient and environmentally benign. This method extracts deep and stranded coal by performing complex gasification reactions insitu within the coal seam.

(PDF) Current status and technology development in ... ResearchGate

(PDF) Current status and technology development in ... ResearchGate

At the same time, it provides a reference for underground coal gasification combined with CCUS technology. Schematic of UCG process with gas cleaning unit. (A) Schematic of the CRIP process.

Underground coal gasification Part II: Fundamental phenomena and ...

Underground coal gasification Part II: Fundamental phenomena and ...

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is the process of converting hydrocarbon materials into synthesis gas insitu. ... Based on these selections, the mathematical models of the UCG process can be divided into classes: process models, coal block models, coal wall models, packed bed models, channel models, computational fluid dynamic models ...

Monitoring the gasification area and its behavior in underground coal ...

Monitoring the gasification area and its behavior in underground coal ...

Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) requires monitoring of the gasification area because the gasification process is invisible and the reaction temperature exceeds 1000 °C. Many fracturing events that occurred due to coal heating can be captured with Acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring technique during UCG.

Cavity Models for Underground Coal Gasification | SpringerLink

Cavity Models for Underground Coal Gasification | SpringerLink

Underground coal gasification is an in situ coal utilization technique that has immense potential as a future clean coal technology. UCG possesses a number of advantages including the ability to use deep and unmineable coals. ... Lohar BL, Mahajani S (2016) A process model for underground coal gasification—PartII growth of outflow channel ...