bdo iron ore processing

Old Iron Ore BDO Codex

Old Iron Ore BDO Codex

Old Iron Ore. KR name: 오래된 철광석. Special Items. Weight: LT. Warehouse Capacity: VT. Bound when obtained (Character) Personal transaction unavailable. Description: This iron ore that has been neglected for a long time, so its surface feels different from that of ordinary iron ore.

Melted Iron Shard BDO Codex

Melted Iron Shard BDO Codex

Melted Iron Shard. Knowledge. Chance of obtaining: %. Category: Metals. Description: Processing Material: Iron Ore (Mining) A Melted Iron Shard is made by Heating. Used as a material in Alchemy and Crafting. Processing knowledge can be acquired by increasing Amity with certain people or completing a Quest.

[PC] Black Desert Online (BDO) Where Can Find Iron Ore? (Gathering ...

[PC] Black Desert Online (BDO) Where Can Find Iron Ore? (Gathering ...

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Copper Ingot Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

Copper Ingot Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

Market Price: 8,400 Silver. Description: A processed natural resource obtained through Gathering and used as a material for Crafting. It can be modified using Alchemy or further Processing. How to obtain. It can be obtained by Heating Melted Copper Shards. It requires the knowledge of Heating: Beginner.

Processing Recipes | Black Desert Wiki | Fandom

Processing Recipes | Black Desert Wiki | Fandom

10x Rough Stone. Processing Beginner 1 [33] Wool. 10x Knitting Yarn. Grinding: Beginner [34] Silk. 10x Silk Thread. Grinding: Beginner [35] Flax Fabric.

Manos Processing Stone Item | Black Desert Online Database

Manos Processing Stone Item | Black Desert Online Database

Processing (L) Manufacture with the following materials Moonlight Opal x30 Gem Polisher x15 Manos Stone x5 ... It can be directly obtained from Ore containing Iron. Price: Silver 80; Ore / Gem . Melted Iron Shard . Weight: LT Personal Transaction Unavailable Marketplace Information ...

Iron Ore BDO Codex

Iron Ore BDO Codex

BDO Codex the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Remember. ... Guild Processing; Processing. Shaking; Grinding; Chopping; Drying; Filtering; Heating; Simple Alchemy; Simple Cooking; ... Iron Ore; ID: 41170. Iron Ore. Design Workload (3m 20s) Required workshop level: Crafting Result. 1

[Feedback] Mass Processing MUST be made faster | Black Desert NA/EU

[Feedback] Mass Processing MUST be made faster | Black Desert NA/EU

Last night I was processing iron ore into melted iron shards. I think I was getting like 480 600 shards at a time. ... The "fish" situation in BDO... ArchaicTriad. Sep 29, 2023 (UTC) #Suggestions #Presentation. 10 463. Centaurs4life, 7 Hours ago 15. HEY PA! Gathering dont have pearlcostume! just saying .. ...

Rough Iron Ore | bdolytics The BDO Database

Rough Iron Ore | bdolytics The BDO Database

An iron ore with traces of someone failing to process it. Its surface is very rough and one must be careful not to get injured by it. Current Time: 12:00AM Day in: <1 min Daily Reset: <1 min Trade Reset: <1 min Boardgame Reset: <1 min

Understanding Supply and Demand: Ferrous Metals CME Group

Understanding Supply and Demand: Ferrous Metals CME Group

Iron ore is the key ingredient in the steel making process using the blast furnace. The earliest blast furnaces date back to first century in China. In a blast furnace, which is lined with refractory brick, iron ore, coke and limestone are heated to produce liquid iron. Once a blast furnace is started, it will continuously run for years, with ...

Iron Ore BDO Codex

Iron Ore BDO Codex

ID: 4001 Iron Ore KR name: 철 광석 General Weight: LT Warehouse Capacity: VT Bound when obtained Personal transaction unavailable Possible substitution Item group #1 Description: A natural resource obtained through Gathering and used as a material for Crafting. It can be modified using Alchemy or Processing.

Old Iron Ore | bdolytics The BDO Database

Old Iron Ore | bdolytics The BDO Database

This iron ore that has been neglected for a long time, so its surface feels different from that of ordinary iron ore. ... Search. Database. Lifeskills . Gathering. Cooking. Alchemy. Processing. Training • Cooking Calculator • Imperial Cooking • Cooking XP • Contribution Points • Alchemy Calculator • Imperial Alchemy • Alchemy XP ...

Iron Ore Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

Iron Ore Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

535 Total Trades Daily Trades Daily Volume Nodes Your workers can collect Iron Ore from these Nodes: Coastal Cave 2 in Balenos Abandoned Iron Mine 1 in Mediah Bashim Base 1 in Valencia Coastal Cliff 2 in Balenos Crescent Mountains 1 in Valencia Crescent Mountains 2 in Valencia

BDO Processing Guide for Beginners (Black Desert Online)

BDO Processing Guide for Beginners (Black Desert Online)

In BDO, the Processing Life Skill allows you to chop, heat, dry, filter, shake, and grind resources into processed materials. These refined items are often used in higher level crafting recipes. Everyone is able to do basic T1 processing.

Pure Iron Ore BDO Codex

Pure Iron Ore BDO Codex

Weight: LT. Lifespan: 1d. Warehouse Capacity: VT. Bound when obtained. Personal transaction unavailable. Can be placed in the Family Inventory. Description: Only iron ore with the highest iron content is selected at the Heidel Quarry. These sell at a high price because a single piece can produce a lot of iron.

Iron Ingot BDO Codex

Iron Ingot BDO Codex

Item group #1 Description: Material that has been processed and may be used during crafting. It may also be changed to a different form through alchemy or processing. How to Obtain: Use Heating in the Processing window on Melted Iron Shard x10. Heating: Beginner knowledge is required.

Copper Ore Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

Copper Ore Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

Description: A natural resource obtained through Gathering and used as a material for Crafting. It can be modified using Alchemy or Processing. How to obtain It can be Produced at Goblin Cave, Imp Cave, Coastal Cave, Forest of Seclusion, Terrmian Cliff, Northern Heidel Quarry, and Mediah Shore.

How to Create Metal Solvent in Black Desert Online? GameTaco

How to Create Metal Solvent in Black Desert Online? GameTaco

When your processing skill reaches artisan one, every five iron ores you heat will yield two and a half shards of melted iron on average. In Black Desert Online, iron ore is abundant. There are multiple gathering nodes from where your workers can gather it, and you can also obtain it by mining various sorts of rocks.

Workers Question/Smelting Ore : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

Workers Question/Smelting Ore : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

A character can process materials even at level 1 with no penalty as each trade levels separately (smelting, cooking, gathering). I made two alts with my extra slots and sent them to Velia at level 1. One of them gathers stone for blackstone powder and also cooks beer. The other Smelts all of my ore every day.

How To Craft Bronze Ingot Bdo WHYIENJOY

How To Craft Bronze Ingot Bdo WHYIENJOY

It can be obtained by Heating Iron Ore. Black Desert Online (BDO) Quests Craft Brass Ingots. How do beginners get heat? Heating: Beginner The quest is a part of Learning Higher Processing Skills, ... From your Processing window(L), select Manufacture to process Brass Ingot X 2, Black Stone Powder X 10, Trace of Savagery X 7 to obtain the ...

I can't make Iron Ingots from Melted Shards? : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

I can't make Iron Ingots from Melted Shards? : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

1 / 12. I had to place the grass first because the platforms blocked it otherwise, and I rotated them to try and make it look more natural too. 312. 52. r/blackdesertonline. Join. • 3 days ago. Best spot for PEN attempts in the entire game ! Use your hammers on this spot.

Processing ingots for profit : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

Processing ingots for profit : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

At higher processing levels, you get something like products per processing action on average. So 1000 iron ore turns into an average of 500 melted iron shards for example. 1000 iron ore before market tax is worth something like 640,000 silver if you sell at max. Whereas 500 melted iron shards is worth something like 720,000 silver at min.

Best use of Iron. : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

Best use of Iron. : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

Heat (Process) Iron Ore > Melted Iron Shards. Heat (Process) 5x Melted Iron Shards + 5x Coal > Steel (Requires Skilled Heating Knowledge) Then I use my steel in a level 3 Refinery to make Level 3 Weapon Reform Stones. 2. r/blackdesertonline.

Any downsides to mass processing? : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

Any downsides to mass processing? : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

The average turnout for normal processing over time is per processing attempt. For example. If you process raw copper ore, you'll get melted copper shards on average, when doing nonmass processing. Will that " average" go lower if I use "mass processing", or is that not how it works? Thanks for your time.

Crafting Ingots from Melted Shard [Question]

Crafting Ingots from Melted Shard [Question]

Crafting Ingots from Melted Shard [Question] I want to craft ingots from melted shards. I know that I need to heat copper and iron shard together the problem is that it is not working. I've already done the quest in order to be able to heat them, the quest where you need to fill the water bottles. My question is what level of processing do I ...

Eminent's BDO Fishing Guide (Black Desert Online) | GrumpyG

Eminent's BDO Fishing Guide (Black Desert Online) | GrumpyG

Eminent's BDO Fishing Guide Introduction. ... Processing » Heating 5x Iron Ore. 10 worker nodes and also gatherable (search for iron ore at ) 5x Coal. 3 Worker Nodes: (search for Coal at ) OR Gathering (pickaxe) Coal nodes. 4x Black Stone Powder ...

Iron Ore | bdolytics The BDO Database

Iron Ore | bdolytics The BDO Database

Iron Ore | bdolytics The BDO Database Back Items / Material / Ore/Gem / Iron Ore Iron Ore Weight: LT Description: A natural resource obtained through Gathering and used as a material for Crafting. It can be modified using Alchemy or Processing.

How to Make Metal Solvent Black Desert Online [BDO]

How to Make Metal Solvent Black Desert Online [BDO]

The location of the Lynch Farm Ruin in BDO, where you can have your workers gather trace of savagery for you. ... You only need to heat via processing ("L") iron ore. When your processing skill has reached artisan 1 you will get on average melted iron shards for every 5 iron ore you heat. Iron ore is plentyful in Black Desert Online.

Iron Ore BDO Codex

Iron Ore BDO Codex

Sumber daya alam yang diperoleh melalui Gathering dan digunakan sebagai material untuk Crafting. Dapat dimodifikasi menggunakan Alchemy atau Processing. Cara Memperoleh: Dapat diproduksi langsung di Gua Pantai, Tebing Pantai, Tambang Besi Heidel Utara, Rawa Selatan, Tembok Batu Hexe, Tambang Besi Terbengkalai dan Gunung Batu Akum. Dapat langsung diperoleh dari Ore yang mengandung Iron.

What to do with Ore's : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

What to do with Ore's : r/blackdesertonline Reddit

Processing it into higher levels will always make it worth more. However, never melt iron shards of one type on it's own, Copper Ingots, Iron Ingots. Check the marketplace first to see if the ore/ingot sells. Most common combinations are: Melted Iron Shards + Coal = Steel Melted Copper Shards + Melted Zinc Shards = Brass Ingot

Iron Ore Node resource and worker list for Black Desert Online BDO

Iron Ore Node resource and worker list for Black Desert Online BDO

Resource worker nodes list with cp costs + ratios for Black Desert Online BDO. . Masternodes 4. Subnodes 11. SubNode CP 15. MasterNode CP 7. Total CP 22. CP Ratio Abandoned Iron Mine 1.

Iron Ore Crate Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

Iron Ore Crate Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

It can be modified using Alchemy or Processing. How to obtain . It can be Produced at Coastal Cave, Coastal Cliff, Northern Heidel Quarry, Southern Cienaga, Hexe Stone Wall, Abandoned Iron Mine, Akum Rocky Mountain. It can be directly obtained from Ore containing Iron. Price: Silver 80

Abandoned Iron Mine BDO Codex

Abandoned Iron Mine BDO Codex

BDO Codex the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. ... Abandoned Iron Mine. Node Zone: Republic of Mediah/Mediah Territory Contribution Points: 2 ... Groundwater: 20%: Base products: 1 Zinc Ore. 1 Powder of Time. 1 Platinum Ore. 1 Iron Ore. 1 Powder of Darkness. 1 Rough Black Crystal Additional (random ...

Melted Copper Shard Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

Melted Copper Shard Item | Black Desert Online Database Altar of Gaming

It can be modified using Alchemy or further Processing. How to obtain . It can be obtained by Heating Melted Iron Shards. It requires knowledge of Heating: Beginner. * In order to perform the Quest for Beginner Processing knowledge, achieve Gathering Apprentice 4 or higher and visit Ficy in Heidel to complete the corresponding Quest.

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